Pointe Noire: capitale économique du Congo. Petite ville en bord de mer, port commercial, chef lieu des entreprises pétrolières qui pompent des millions de litres grâce à leurs plateformes que l'on aperçoit facilement au large... Pointe Noire qui n'a pas été touchée par la guerre et qui a conservé de nombreux bâtiments coloniaux... D'ailleurs, les "mundélés" (blancs) sont plus nombreux ici qu'à Brazzaville. Malgré tout, les deux villes se ressemblent, avec leurs quelques avenues goudronnées, les restaurants et les hôtels tenus par les Libanais, les boutiques des ouest-africains, la cité, le grand marché... Ah, j'oubliais, la différence fondamentale: ici, taxis et mini-bus sont bleus plutôt que verts!!
Le lavage... à la main. Pas de machines ici. Dès qu'on en a un peu les moyens, le recours à une ménagère est pratiquement inévitable...
Enfants de la "Cité" (quartiers périphériques).
Commerçant devant sa boutique.
Vendeuses de fruits au Grand marché.
Ici, tout se transporte sur la tête: le bois, l'eau, le manioc...
... même les oeufs!
La gare qui date de l'époque coloniale.
À titre d'info!
Les voies sont libre d'accès pour tous les types de véhicules.
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Plage de Pointe Noire avec les vestiges d'un ancien pont.
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Remarques sur le Congo Brazzaville
Ce blog se veut avant tout un espace de réflexion sur mes aventures en terre congolaise... C'est aussi une façon de garder le contact ou d'en créer, alors surtout, écrivez-moi! Au plaisir de vous lire... J'oubliais, ce blog est un projet multilingue...
I created this blog as a space of reflection on my experiences in Congo Brazzaville. The point is also to stay in touch or to create new contacts, so please do write me! Also, this is a multilingual project, so go ahead in the language of your choice (English, French or any other latin languages should be fine). Looking forward to reading you...
I created this blog as a space of reflection on my experiences in Congo Brazzaville. The point is also to stay in touch or to create new contacts, so please do write me! Also, this is a multilingual project, so go ahead in the language of your choice (English, French or any other latin languages should be fine). Looking forward to reading you...
mardi 25 janvier 2011
jeudi 20 janvier 2011
Ok I have to admit this is the african rythm influence on me, I am wishing you Happy New Year and January is already almost over... Yet I mean it, and I really do hope that wherever you are on this planet, and no matter how impossible your dreams might seem, you do follow them, or at least keep them alive for the right moment to come. Having said that, I'll respond to some questions regarding my previous post, eventhough the answer is only a partial one... Sorry, but actually, I could not find the explanation to the fact that in the middle of Congo, there is a small village called Ottawa... Actually, part of the answer might be that another village close to it is called Cannada (no that is not a typo)... and further down the road, you'll meet Chicago. One of the very few Ottawa resident did tell me that it was another man that came up with the name. I did not succeed in understanding whether there were any canadian projects in the region or whether someone had gone to Canada. That is the way it is here, most of the questions you have will remain unanswered.
A landscape from a the Lefini Natural Reserve not far from Ottawa (4 hours northwest of Brazzaville). In this park, supposedly there are still some wild elephants. Spent two days there without seeing them... Will have to go back!
The Lefini river... Could not get a definite answer from the ecoguards as to whether there are some crocodiles there. Did swim though because the water was so appealing after a hike in the sun!
In every village you'll hear music and see people dancing, just like these kids dancing along a sound system connected to the cell phone relay antenna.
Some kids love to be photographed, while some adults, especially women, prefer to hide. Still have to figure out whether it has to do with specific beliefs.
A landscape from a the Lefini Natural Reserve not far from Ottawa (4 hours northwest of Brazzaville). In this park, supposedly there are still some wild elephants. Spent two days there without seeing them... Will have to go back!
The Lefini river... Could not get a definite answer from the ecoguards as to whether there are some crocodiles there. Did swim though because the water was so appealing after a hike in the sun!
In every village you'll hear music and see people dancing, just like these kids dancing along a sound system connected to the cell phone relay antenna.
Some kids love to be photographed, while some adults, especially women, prefer to hide. Still have to figure out whether it has to do with specific beliefs.
mardi 4 janvier 2011
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