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Remarques sur le Congo Brazzaville

Ce blog se veut avant tout un espace de réflexion sur mes aventures en terre congolaise... C'est aussi une façon de garder le contact ou d'en créer, alors surtout, écrivez-moi! Au plaisir de vous lire... J'oubliais, ce blog est un projet multilingue...

I created this blog as a space of reflection on my experiences in Congo Brazzaville. The point is also to stay in touch or to create new contacts, so please do write me! Also, this is a multilingual project, so go ahead in the language of your choice (English, French or any other latin languages should be fine). Looking forward to reading you...

lundi 27 décembre 2010

Outside the city

As mentionned before, it is hard to get any information in Congo. However, if you insist and ask around, you can discover that there are a lot of nice places to visit if you like nature... You just need a 4x4, the sense of adventure, and some patience in case you deal with any local authorities on your way.

The Congo River is the second in the world for its flow after the Amazone. It separates the two Congos. This natural border is very porous as along its way, it sometimes becomes very narrow.

Pirogues are still the most common travel means on the river

Impressive to note that those huge canoes are carved out one single piece of wood

The plastic chair on the pirogue is the utmost of comfort!

Around Brazza, there are numerous sites along the Congo river or some of its small affluents that offer places to rest, swim, eat and even camp if you are up for it!

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